The Users and Passwords dialog allows managing the user names and passwords for granting access to the camera. The Group Access Control List dialog allows creating and editing groups and the corresponding access rights later on.
The following rules apply for user names and passwords:
user name and the default password meinsm
as user name and meinsm
as password.You will need to enter the same password twice when creating new users or when modifying the user name; this is done to make sure that the passwords are matching.
There has to be at least one user of the admins group. The admin
user of the admins group (password is meinsm
) is the factory-preset administrator of the camera.
Modifying a user's group does not require entering a new password.
Per factory default, three groups have been preset (admins, users, guests). The access rights of these groups are managed in the Group Access Control Lists dialog. This dialog also allows creating new groups and editing existing ones.
Users may also be assigned the undefined group; this may be done to temporarily deactivate users or to create users before their group has been created. Users of this group do not have any access rights.
If a group has been deleted in the Group Access Control List dialog, all users assigned to the deleted group will be assigned to the undefined group.
Activate the Remove option behind the user(s) you would like to delete and click on Set at the bottom of the dialog.
Once you have finished configuring users, passwords and groups, you should always store the settings in the camera's permanent memory. If the configuration is not stored in the camera's permanent memory, all deleted user names and passwords will again be valid after the next camera reboot!
To prevent the camera from unauthorized access, you should execute the following steps:
user's password to meinsm
user!Open the Scheduled Access Control dialog to restrict access to the camera to a specific user group or control organs in highly regulated work environments, for instance. For additional information on this topic, see the Scheduled Access Control by the "Supervisor" help page.
If you are changing the Super PIN while the Admin password is still the factory default or corresponds to the current Super PIN, the Admin password will be changed to match the new Super PIN.
Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.
Klicken Sie auf Voreinstellung, um diesen Dialog auf die werkseitigen Voreinstellungen zurückzusetzen (dieser Button wird nicht in allen Dialogen angezeigt).
Klicken Sie auf Wiederherstellen, um alle Änderungen seit dem letzten permanenten Speichern der Konfiguration zu verwerfen.
Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.
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