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Message Configuration for MxBus Modules

Open the Message Configuration for MxBus Modules dialog to configure the messages sent by connected MxBus modules. Upon detecting specific events, an MxBus module can send messages using the MxMessageSystem; in turn, the module can also execute a specific action upon receiving a corresponding message.

Open the Manage MxBus Modules dialog and make sure that the attached MxBus modules have been activated and that the firmware is up-to-date.

Managing Messages

First, load the configuration from the attached modules by clicking on the Load connected devices from configuration button.

Set the MxMessageSystem names in the Edit Messages section. A valid MxMessageSystem-Name must start with a letter, it must not contain spaces, tabs or the characters "/", "%" or ".", the name is case-sensitive and the maximum length is 31 characters. Use the New message and Remove buttons to create new messages and to delete existing ones, respectively. Note that you can only remove a message, if it is not used in any device configuration. Click on Save messages to add the messages to the corresponding drop-downs in the configuration forms of all devices. Note that the messages are not yet written to any configurations. The following keyboard shortcuts are available:

Configuring the MxMessageSystem of the Devices

After loading the configuration, the dialog lists all discovered MxBus modules in separate sections below the message section. Each module section contains subsections for configuring inputs and outputs – according on the features available in that module. If outputs are present, the dialog also offers timers for delayed switching. The following section explain the possible settings of the timers, the inputs and the outputs.


Timer management works similar to the message management. Click on the Add timer button to create a new timer. The timer names ("Timer1" to "Timer16") are assigned automatically. Enter the number of seconds for this timer in the Timeout field. Use the first drop-down (Output state) to set the state of the output selected below once the timer has triggered. In the second drop-down (Timer priority), set the priority between timer and message. Similar to the message configuration, you can use the Remove button to delete timers that are not used in any output configuration. Save timers stores the defined timers in the corresponding drop-downs of the outputs with the current module section.


The configuration sections for inputs are present if the current module supports inputs. Add creates a new line for configuring the current input. Use the first drop-down to set the desired edge trigger. The second drop-down contains the messages that have been created and stored in the message section above. To delete a configuration line, click on the corresponding Remove button.


The configuration sections for outputs are present if the current module supports outputs. Add creates a new line for configuring the current output. The first drop-down contains the messages that had been created and stored in the message section above. Use the second drop-down to set the action of the output that is executed upon triggering. To delete a configuration line, click on the corresponding Remove button.

Audio Feedback

For modules with the ability for audio feedback, you can add/remove messages and the corresponding feedback types (error, success, alarm).

Visual Feedback

For modules with the ability for visual feedback, you can add/remove messages and the corresponding feedback types (error, success, alarm).


For modules such as the BellRFID, you can configure messages for the available flange triggers.


The keypad has its own configuration section. You use it to map number codes to different messages.

Storing the Configuration

Once you have finished configuring the modules, you can save the current module's configuration by clicking on the Write configuration button at the bottom of the module section. In order to save the configuration of all modules at once, click on Transfer entire configuration at the bottom of the dialog.

Loading the Configuration

In order to load the entire configuration, click on the Load connected devices from configuration button at the bottom of the dialog. The form shows the corresponding modules and the configuration sections.

Generating a Default Configuration

Click on the Create default configurations for all devices button at the bottom of the dialog to create a configuration with preset values. This will create configuration sections for all attached modules with appropriate default values and the corresponding messages.

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Klicken Sie auf Voreinstellung, um diesen Dialog auf die werkseitigen Voreinstellungen zurückzusetzen (dieser Button wird nicht in allen Dialogen angezeigt).

Klicken Sie auf Wiederherstellen, um alle Änderungen seit dem letzten permanenten Speichern der Konfiguration zu verwerfen.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

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