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Time Tables

Use the Time Tables dialog to define schedules for switching certain camera functions on or off:

The Custom Days section at the beginning of this dialog allows defining exceptions to the time tables defined further below.

Custom Days

Create custom days lists for holidays or vacations that disrupt the regular weekly schedule.

Custom Days List Description

Enter a unique name for this custom days list.
Valid characters are letters, digits, dot, comma and underscore.

Custom Days List Enter all days that disrupt the regular weekly schedule in this list. Empty lines or lines beginning with a # character will be regarded as comment lines and are thus ignored.

The input format follows ISO 8601. Create a new line for every new day you would like to add. The following entries are recognized:
  • YYYY-MM-DD for single days.
  • YYYY-MM-DD..YYYY-MM-DD for a range of days.


Click on the Set button to add the new custom days list to the selection boxes of the individual lines of a time table. The custom days lists are listed at the end of the list boxes and are marked by pointed brackets.

Example: <NewYearHoliday>

Time Tables

You may define multiple profiles, each storing one time table. Always enter a unique name for a time table. Valid characters are letters, digits, dot, comma and underscore.

Click on Add new time table at the bottom of the dialog to add a new time table with one example time period (one line) to the bottom of the list.

The individual time periods within a time table are setting the times in which certain camera functions are switched on or off. In a store, for example, two time tables with several time periods each may be used to arm the camera depending on the opening and closing times (cf. predefined time tables Opening_Times and Closing_Times).

The number of time periods within a time table is limited to twelve time periods, independent of the camera model.

The Columns of a Time Table

Column(s) Contents Description

The alarm symbols and the blue background color of a line indicate that this time period is currently active.
2 Switching Sets the switching behavior of this time period. The first time period of a time table also defines the times excluded from the start and end times as having the opposite switching behavior as in the current time period. If no time period has been entered, the profile is regarded as being activated.
  • On: switches the camera function within the start and end times to On.
  • Off: switches the camera function within the start and end times to Off.
3 Time Tables and Custom Days Lists

Select the days for which this time period is supposed to be used. Using customized combinations of weekdays is only possible by editing the configuration file manually.

If you have defined custom days lists, these will are listed at the bottom of the list boxes and are marked by pointed brackets.

Example: <NewYearHoliday>

4 + 5 Start time The start time for this time period in hour and minute. The start time always has to be before the end time. If this is not the case, the end time will be set to 23:59 automatically.
6 + 7 End time The end time for this time period in hour and minute. This time period will be active until the minute set for end time has expired. The end time always has to be after the start time. If this is not the case, the end time will be set to 23:59 automatically.
8 Actions
  • Remove: removes the selected time period from the time table.
  • Add: adds a new time period at the end of the time table.

Deleting Profiles

In order to delete a profile, check the Delete option below the profile name. The profile will be deleted as soon as you click on the Set button in the lower part of the dialog.

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Klicken Sie auf Voreinstellung, um diesen Dialog auf die werkseitigen Voreinstellungen zurückzusetzen (dieser Button wird nicht in allen Dialogen angezeigt).

Klicken Sie auf Wiederherstellen, um alle Änderungen seit dem letzten permanenten Speichern der Konfiguration zu verwerfen.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

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